Thursday, August 6, 2009


well i saw my rheumatologist yesterday and my mri results on my legs were in. I had an mri done on them because i get alot of pain in them. My cpk is controlled and i think i am in remission yet the pain continues. So an mri was ordered and the results were that I had an extensive amount of fluid in the fascia of my legs-between the muscles. Furthermore I had extensive amounts of abnormal tissue. Those are probably the lumps i feel behind my legs. They concluded, however that the fluid was not drainable. So i ask my doc. what do I do now? Do I live on pain killers for ever? I deal with it? He is going to try to give me IVIG transfusions again to see if they help. I knew something was wrong. I am so in tune with my body and i can honestly say i have never been wrong when I feel something is wrong. So if your cpk is controlled yet you still have pain it is so possible and could be something like mine. i guess the dramatic change in my muscle structure because of dm left me with these results. i hope the IVIG works. Still waiting till monday for cardio results.

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